In the online world, blogs are a crucial part of internet culture and play an important role in the online presence of your business. If you’re unfamiliar with them… well, you’re not. You’re reading one right now!

A blog is an article containing information covering various helpful topics that people want to be informed about. Blogging, when done correctly, is an integral part of your business strategy. Here are four reasons why blogs are important for your business — no matter what industry you’re in.

1. Blogging is great for your website’s search engine optimisation

The most obvious benefit to blogging and number one reason why blogs are important for your business is that blogs increase your search engine optimisation. There are a number of SEO factors that blog posts have a positive impact on. They include:

  • Google loves sites that are full of rich and informative content. Posting regularly keeps your content fresh and feeds back to Google that you’re keeping your website up-to-date.
  • Blogs allow your website to target more search phrases or “keywords”, which means you can target more specific phrases that you might not want to hone in on with your website content.
  • Blogs can generate valuable website backlinks from other websites that link back to your content.

For those unfamiliar with SEO, take a look at our overview video on organic search engine optimisation.

2. Blog posts drive traffic from social media to your website

Sharing blog posts you’ve published to your website on social media is an effective way of driving more traffic to your website. To encourage people to click through to your website, you should make social media post engaging. As an example, when you post a blog on Facebook, you should include some teaser information about it, but not the entire blog post. Done correctly teaser posts get your fans to check out your newest blog post and engage with you.

Tracking which of your blog posts has driven the most traffic to your website can help you to determine what your target market would like to know more about. This information will not only help you to identify content for future blog posts, it can also be instrumental in helping you create new products and services that meet the needs of your audience.

3. Blog posts increase brand awareness and business exposure

Blog posts are a great place to talk about your products and services and can often be an entry point for new potential customers to your business. Blog posts that relate to your products or services also give you an opportunity to pre-sell those products or services to new visitors before they reach the sales-driven product or service page on your website. Your product or service page is designed to dive deep into the reasons why a customer needs your business, so think of blog posts as an introductory sales pitch and a stepping stone in your website’s sales funnel.

4. Blogs can increase customer loyalty and retention

Another reason why blogs are important for your business is customer loyalty and retention. Blogs can be be utilised to create and share useful free information that is relevant to the products and services that your business offers. By sharing useful information on your blog, you give your customers a reason to trust your business and return to your website more frequently to seek more information. Every blog post is an opportunity to develop relationships with potential and existing customers, providing that you are giving them reliable, credible and useful information.

With all of the benefits that blogging brings, it just makes sense to incorporate blogging as a core aspect of your marketing strategy. The only downside to blogging is time. It takes time to create good content and publish it on your website, but, as we have established, it is certainly worth it.

If you need assistance with generating content for blog posts or blogging in general, contact us at CSQD. We are happy to help.